Tom has a problem. Indeed, a number of problems arise for him through the course of Finding Zoe Dawes, the first and penultimate novel of The Major/Minor Minus stories. Many of these problems boil down to the behaviour of Rag Bowman - old school friend and serial provocateur. His utter inability to find even an ounce of sympathy for Tom following the suicide of Hazel, Tom's wife, is a problem. Dragging Tom around Europe is a problem. As is the time travel he frequently experiences. Indeed, all the characters pose some sort of problem for Tom, which go largely unresolved until the final confrontation with a King of Jupiter. Love, contentment, satisfaction and wonderment are all beyond Tom, but remain as close as a sigh, if only he could find Zoe Dawes and explain everything to her and apologise for all his inconveniences. And problems...
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