The Danger Of Falling In Love New Poems In English & Spanish takes the reader on an emotive journey of familial and amorous misadventure.
In this bilingual poetry collection, Jeff King divulges “what the knife leaves behind”: layers upon layers of deep-rooted pain that when revealed, give one the space to process, overcome, and heal.
Nostalgia, remembrance, introspection…It is these key elements and more that make The Danger of Falling In Love New Poems In English & Spanish a truly raw, vulnerable, and candid reading experience.
Above all, this book serves as an homage to loves never forgotten, for love is as eternal as the cosmos itself.
La poesía es la verdad que permanece cuando todo lo demás desaparece.
El Peligro De Enamorarse Nuevos Poemas En Inglés y Español lleva al lector a un emotivo viaje de desventuras familiares y amorosas.
En este poemario bilingüe, Jeff King divulga "lo que el cuchillo deja atrás": capas y capas de dolor profundamente arraigado que, cuando se revelan, dan a uno el espacio para procesar, superar y sanar.
Nostalgia, recuerdo, introspección... Son estos y otros elementos clave los que hacen de The Danger of Falling In Love New Poems In English & Spanish una experiencia de lectura verdaderamente cruda, vulnerable y sincera.
Por encima de todo, este libro sirve de homenaje a los amores nunca olvidados, porque el amor es tan eterno como
el propio cosmos.
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About the Author
What is there to say? I’m just a regular guy. I am a writer with a passion for good music, good food, martial science, and energetic healing. With a background in folk cultures, and movement systems, my approach to writing aims to marry language and movement; to express the simple truth and beauty to be found in everyday life, and experience.
Like cooking, martial science, and healing, the heart of writing is making a meaningful connection with others. I try to embody this idea in my work. I made my way from the City of Brotherly Love to Southern California following my own dreams, some years ago, and I’ve been out here ever since. Currently, I’m only a few hours away from the City of Angels (depending on traffic) there must be some poetry in that.
A writer must be a reader, but cannot be an indiscriminate reader—so just read the good stuff:)
Let life happen to you. If there is a secret to life, it’s this: Go live it. Don’t be afraid to try, don’t limit yourself to what others think is possible for you. Go out in the world; write, paint, make music, cook, run; do whatever brings you joy—Your art will manifest from what you love.
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