Office Pool is the coming of age story of an underachieving ink pen named Arthur "Arty" Bickerson. Arty's unique journey is chronicled as he must quickly navigate the vast differences between the complexities of his new life and responsibilities in "The Office" and life on the home desktop.
More than just a pen, Arty is mentored along the way by his childhood guardian and coworker Stan Sharply. As Arty gets orientated to his new role he experiences so many highs and lows, with Stan there to help Arty navigate it all.
With humans set as the backdrop, these common everyday writing utensils each with unique personalities deal with family, friendship, success, love, peer jealousy, classism, along with high expectations, greed and self-doubt.
About the Author
D.L. Blackburne is a Connecticut based indie author/artist who began writing in October 2016. His debut book Office Pool: Orientation was later released on November 08, 2019 on Amazon and Apple books. The 20+ year professional artist turned author illustrated all the characters and cover work in the series. With his most recent book in the Office Pool Series now published August 01, 2020 (book #2 Extraction) D.L. is now currently working to complete book #3 the series final installment due out mid 2021. In addition to that D.L. is simultaneously working on another book series. The multi-book vast YA Fantasy Epic will called [Sons of the Severnn]
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